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Fun concept, though a bit confusing at first to figure out (thought right/left referred to mouse buttons).  I enjoyed jumping across platforms.

I'm unsure what the ticking sound is meant to represent.  I know it's related to a bar on the UI going but, but the UI is not very clear at first glance - what is the multiplier for? What is the red bar? It doesn't seem related to health, as it's full when I die from being hit by monsters.

It's not clear when the witch is charging her spell without the text telling me she is.

Love the procedural generation! 

Nice game, I just wish there was an attack animation, or did I miss that? Overall, I liked the music and procedural gen levels. Art could be better tho, still good job!

Nice done guys, It's a fun game!
Only 1 thing I found really bumbling, the health is on right side and blue, the "mana" is on left side and red, to me that's a big no no.
Still good job submitting the game!

Review Time!

Starting with the positives, this game has many interesting concepts! An endless runner where you travel through eras is a pretty cool concept! I also really like how you can alternate between charging an attack and regenerating your health. It makes health regeneration a very useful tool, but not something broken. It's balanced and fun to use.

Now for some criticism. The game doesn't control quite ideally. Being able to accumulate speed by sliding down slopes is very welcome, but losing speed by simply climbing slopes is not. It often makes the game a bit frustrating, sometimes even unfair, because it actively works against you when trying to avoid enemies. In spite of that, the controls can still be somewhat fun. Jumping works fine enough.

I did say that health regeneration is balanced and fun, and it is, but I also think the witch's damage should have been a bit higher, because just tanking the hit and keep regenerating is usually a perfectly viable option. You will only really need to avoid the witch's damage if your health is very low, which I admit is something that can happen not so rarely.

Overall, it's a fun time with some interesting concepts. Just some rebalancing and control changes would have turned this into gold. Some variety would have been welcome as well, but I know quite well how little two weeks are, so it's perfectly excusable.